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Here's a list of selected publications form peer-reviewed journals, project reports and books that I have been a part of.

Publications: Text

Scientific Papers

Ghaskadbi, P., Nigam, P., & Habib, B. (2022). Stranger Danger: Differential response to strangers and neighbors by a social carnivore, the Asiatic wild dog (Cuon alpinus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76(7), 86.

Ghaskadbi, P., Bathla, N., Bhandari, A., Modi, S., Nigam, P., & Habib, B. (2022). Feeding ecology of the endangered Asiatic wild dogs (Cuon alpinus) across tropical forests of the Central Indian Landscape. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-11.

Hussain, Z., Ghaskadbi, P., Panchbhai, P., Govekar, R., Nigam, P., & Habib, B. (2022). Long‐distance dispersal by a male sub‐adult tiger in a human‐dominated landscape. Ecology and Evolution, 12(9), e9307.

Modi, S., Mondol, S., Ghaskadbi, P., Nigam, P., & Habib, B. (2022). Genetic evidence of differential dispersal pattern in the Asiatic wild dog: Comparing two populations with different pack sizes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1169.

Publications: List

Scientific Papers

Ghaskadbi, P., Das, J., Mahadev, V. and Habib, B. 2021. First record of mixed species association between dholes and a wolf from Satpura Tiger Reserve, India. Canid Biology & Conservation 23(4): 15-17.

Habib, B., Ghaskadbi, P., Khan, S., Hussain, Z., & Nigam, P. (2021). Not a cakewalk: Insights into movement of large carnivores in human‐dominated landscapes in India. Ecology and Evolution, 11(4), 1653-1666.

Bhandari, A., Ghaskadbi, P., Nigam, P., & Habib, B. (2021). Dhole pack size variation: Assessing the effect of Prey availability and Apex predator. Ecology and Evolution, 11(9), 4774-4785.

Modi, S., Habib, B., Ghaskadbi, P., Nigam, P., & Mondol, S. (2019). Standardization and validation of a panel of cross-species microsatellites to individually identify the Asiatic wild dog (Cuon alpinus). PeerJ, 7, e7453.

Publications: List

Scientific Papers

Modi, S. Mondol, S., Ghaskadbi, P., Hussain, Z., Nigam, P., Habib, B. (2018). Non- invasive DNA-based species and sex identification of Asiatic wild dog (Cuon alpinus). Journal of Genetics, 97(5):1457-1461.

Ghaskadbi, P., Habib, B., & Qureshi, Q. (2016). A whistle in the woods: an ethogram and activity budget for the dhole in central India. Journal of Mammalogy, 97(6), 1745-1752.

Ghaskadbi, P., Habib, B., Mir, Z., Ray, R., Talukdar, G., Lyngdoh, S., Pandav, B., Nigam, P. & Kaur, A. (2016). Rusty-spotted Cat in Kalesar National Park and Sanctuary, Haryana, India. Cat News 63: 28–29.

Davate, M., Chatterjee, N., Dashahre, A., Habib, B., Nigam, P., Trivedi, M., Garad, G., & Ghaskadbi, P. (2015). Recent records of rusty-spotted cat in dry deciduous forest of Tadoba, Maharashtra, India. Cat News 62: 22–23.

Ghaskadbi, P. 2010. “Sighting of Blue-throated Flycatcher Cyornis rubeculoides in Pune, India”. Indian BIRDS 6 (6): 174A.

Publications: List


Habib B., Nigam P., Mondal I., Hussain Z., Ghaskadbi P., Govekar R. S., Praveen N. R., Banerjee J., Ramanujam R. M. and Ramgaonkar J. (2021): Telemetry based tiger corridors of Vidarbha Landscape, Maharashtra, India. Technical Report, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. Pp. 39.

Habib, B., Nigam P., Ghaskadbi, P., Gomes, L., Praveen, N. R., Sinha, V., Ladkat, N. S., Guruprasad, G. and Bhagwat, S. (2020): Status of Tigers, Co-Predator and Prey in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) 2019. Wildlife Institute of India & Maharashtra Forest Department. TR. No. 2020/05 – Pp 47.

Habib, B., Nigam P., Ghaskadbi, P., Gomes, L., Praveen, N. R., Sinha, V., Ladkat, N. S., Guruprasad, G. and Bhagwat, S. (2019): Status of Tigers, Co-Predator and Prey in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) 2018 – Pp 41.

Publications: List


Habib, B., Nigam, P., Mondol, I., Ghaskadbi, P., and Hussain, Z. (2018). Forest Fragments in Eastern Vidarbha Landscape, Maharashtra. The Tig – Saw Puzzle. Wildlife Institute of India and Maharashtra Forest Department – TR No. 2018/17Pp 37.

Habib, B., Nigam P., Chatterjee, N., Madhura, D., Ghaskadbi, P., Gomes, L., Trivedi, M., Sinha, V., Mankar, K. and Narwane, G. P. (2018): Status of Tigers, Co-Predator and Prey in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) 2017 – Pp 44.

Habib, B., Nigam P., Ghaskadbi, P., and Hussain, Z. (2017). Collars and Crossing Zones: Highway crossing zones identified using telemetry data of tigers in the Eastern Vidarbha Landscape, Maharashtra, India Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun and Maharashtra Forest Department. Pp 14.

Habib, B., Nigam P., Mondal, I., Ghaskadbi, P., and Hussain, Z. (2017). Ensuring Safety In The Killer Fields: Identifying potential villages for measures to reduce electrocution of Tigers and associated species in Eastern Vidarbha Landscape, Maharashtra, India. Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, National Tiger Conservation Authority and Maharashtra Forest Department. Pp 115.

Publications: List


Habib, B., G. Talukdar, S. Lyngdoh, B. Pandav, P. Nigam, A. Kaur, Ghaskadbi, P., & R.M. Zaffar (2015). Ecological status of the leopard (Panthera pardus) in Kalesar National Park, Haryana, India. Project Completion Report. Haryana Forest Department &Wildlife Institute of India, 52pp.

Habib, B., Nigam P., Chatterjee, N., Madhura, D., Dashahre, A., Ghaskadbi, P., Garad, G. P., Sinha, V., Kalaskar, A. S., and Narwane, G. P. (2015): Status of Tigers, Co-Predator and Prey in Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR) – Pp 62.

Publications: List


Habib, B., Ghaskadbi, P., Gomes, L., Markandey,, N., Nigam P., Praveen N.R., Ramgaonkar, J. (2021). Field guide to leopards of Tadoba– First Edition. Wildlife Institute of India and Maharashtra Forest Department, Pp. 490. ISBN – 81-85496-58-7.

Habib, B., Gomes, L., Ghaskadbi, P., Markandey, N., Nigam P., Praveen N.R., Ramgaonkar, J. (2021). Field guide to tigers of Tadoba– Second Edition. Wildlife Institute of India and Maharashtra Forest Department, Pp. 338. ISBN – 81-85496-59-5

Habib, B., Nigam P., Chatterjee, N., Davate, M., Ghaskadbi, P., Trivedi, M., Sinha, V., Mankar, K. and Narwane, G. (2018). Field guide to tigers of Tadoba– First Edition. Wildlife Institute of India and Maharashtra Forest Department, Pp. 218. ISBN – 81-85496-32-3.

Publications: List
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